Trailers and Trial Lessons

For Students
If you’re looking for the right study programme - Try-It!
Some decisions in life need a little extra consideration. In order to make this life-changing step a little easier for you, we offer Try-It lectures. They are short interactive online courses that will give you an idea of what your preferred study programme will feel like. Instead of reading through study guidelines and handouts, you can experience what it would be like to actually study the degree – from the comfort of your own home. Our format consists of a trial lecture that will convey fundamental course contents, as well as a first impression of the overall structure of the programme. Try-Its are free of charge and non-binding, so you can try out as many programmes as you like.
Couldn’t find your desired study programme? Let us know what degrees you’re most interested in, and we’ll add it to our Try-It list!

For Teachers
When it comes to choosing a degree, not every freshman is instantly sure about which programme to pursue. To make sure you can best represent your subject area and study programme, as well as attract the most suitable candidates, we offer high quality trailers or Try-It formats.
With our trailers, we aim to best represent your study programme for a qualified audience. Where does your degree come in handy in our everyday life? What areas does your research currently cover, and what are questions you deal with in your programme? Why should applicants come to Bayreuth, and what makes studying your degree here particularly interesting? Our team of project managers, instructional designers, media producers and marketing specialists will assist you in answering these questions and help capture the essence of your study programme on a visual basis.
If you are looking for something more interactive to get your message across, Try-It lectures are the way to go. These modules are short, interactive online courses that applicants can complete from the comfort of their own desks. They are supposed to offer a brief glimpse into what might be – the contents and structure of their hypothetical future study programme, as well as what a real lecture might look like. This makes the decision a little easier for students, but also holds advantages for lecturers.
Try-Its are an innovative and low-threshold opportunity for you to attract suitable learners for your degree programme. It is also a helpful tool to manage expectations concerning study methods, course contents and lecture forms - before students apply. As they are based on the learning platform edX, Try-Its can easily be shared and distributed on various platforms and channels, ranging from your programme’s website to social media pages.
Interested? If you would like to create a Try-It lecture or produce a trailer for your study programme, we’re happy to help. Contact us via mail or give us a call at +49 (0)921 / 55-47 23 for an initial chat.